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G3CNC specializes in "capturing" employees into the CNC machining industry, boosting employee retention rates, morale, knowledge & productivity. Investing in training the low skill level employees early and often is the best way to create long-term value, avoid costly mistakes, increase profit margin, and elevate the overall effectiveness of your entire pool of employees. G3CNCs CNC Part Measurement Training course is an introductory course that provides your employees with the knowledge they need to take repeatable & accurate measurements When your employees have a common understanding of how, why & when to use a particular instrument, it creates a pretty cool internal synergy and boosts productivity plant wide. The G3 CNC Part Measurement course is essential training for all manufacturing employees and will provide attendees with a thorough understanding of different measurement tools & techniques, and how, why & when to use them.

  • Common Measuring Tools

  • Numeric Expression

  • Measurement Techniques

  • Visual Inspection

  • Precise & Consistent Measurement

  • Linear & Distance Measurements

  • Diameter Measurements

  • Inspecting Threads

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