A course designed to achieve excellence in CNC machine set-up
G3CNC is changing the game in the training space for CNC machining. Incorporating advanced learning technologies including artificial intelligence, we specializes in "capturing" employees into the CNC machining industry, boosting employee retention rates, morale, knowledge & productivity.
Turbocharged CNC Operators
Role & Responsibilities
Professionalism & Tips for success
When & Why Sizing Adjustments are Required
Performing Mistake Free Calculations
Career Possibilities & Guidance
Maximizing Productivity
Maintaining a Clean, Organized Work Area
In Process Inspection
Instructor Bio:
Course Intro
Outline & Objectives
Fundamental Concepts
Intro to Chapter 2
How To Define CNC Set-up
Chapter 2 Assignment
Intro to Chapter 3
Clear Why
Assignment: Goal Setting for Personal and Career Success
Set-Up PRO Blueprint
1: Attention to Detail
Attention to Detail Quiz
2: Maintaining a Clean Workstation
Workstation Cleanliness Quiz
3: Work Ethic
4: Blueprint Reading & Interpretation
Blueprint Reading Quiz
5: Tooling & Materials
Tooling & Materials Quiz
6: Avoiding Distractions in the Shop
Avoiding Distractions Quiz
7: Machine Expertise
Machine Expertise Quiz
8: EQ
Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Quiz
9: Workpiece & Fixture Set-up
Standardization Quiz
PRO Tips: Problem Solving
PRO Tips: Curveballs
PRO Tips: Identifying & Eliminating Waste
PRO Tips: Get F'ing Organized
Course Wrap Up